BEHIND THE GEAR Episode 133: Dan Pietens – Creating NHL Art by Putting Pencil to Paper

Behind the Gear
Behind the Gear
BEHIND THE GEAR Episode 133: Dan Pietens - Creating NHL Art by Putting Pencil to Paper

You made the Show! Dan Pietens was a normal guy with a great career, a wife, things seemed to be going very well, but were they? Dan, like many of us found himself in a career that he didn’t love, long days at work and longer evenings complaining about it. So he made a change and went back to his roots, picking up his pencils he began to draw and re-ignited his childhood passion for art. He began drawing NHL player portraits and eventually one of his prints caught the NHL’s eye and things took off. Once the NHL reposted Dan’s work his new career started to take shape, Dan eventually left his profession and is now a full time artist. This is an amazing story of following your passion and making decisions that at times may not fit the norm but feel right. Dan puts long hours into his craft, but now it’s fun, relaxing and fulfilling when the work day is done. Dan talks about his relationship with drawing and how it all began, we discuss being stuck in a profession that you no longer love and the difficulties of making change. This was an awesome conversation with a ton of great insight into, work, life and the balance you need to be happy. I really appreciate Dan coming on and sharing his hockey journey. We hope you enjoy the episode!

Check out Dan’s entire portfolio at

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