Weight Shift + Puck Control


Players form 3 lines, on both NZ dots and one in between.

– Progression 1 – has players weaving through 4 obstacles set wide and far apart. Focus here is when on backhand sides to protect the puck, and when between obstacles, quickly switching the puck from FH –> BH or BH –> FH.

– Progression 2 – has the obstacles tighter, and in a straight line. Players now have less time and space, but are required to again quickly protect on FH/BH sides, while quickly switching the puck across between obstacles.

– Progression 3 – has the obstacles slight staggered and spread again. This time, players are making their moves and puck protection BEFORE the obstacle (in front of it) rather than around. Head-fakes and other deceptive elements can be added here.

*Goal is build confidence regarding use of back hand, control of puck on and moving to backhand, and body positioning while controlling on BH.

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