Forward Cross Over Breakdown


Drill 1: Break Down Cross Overs – Players line up around circle (could use the all of the circles), begin with Step 1 – Outside Push around the circle, staying low, stick in middle of circle. Step 2 – Cross Over, players cross outside foot over inside foot, lead with toe. Step 3 – Under Push, once player crosses over they use inside foot to push under outside foot (for beginners step 1 and 2 may be enough step 3 may be difficult for beginners)

Drill 2: Cross Overs with Shot – Players line up on blue lines (could use just have ice or full ice by lining players up on all 4 corners of blue line). First players leave from each line and go to the left side of cones and cross over around cones all the way back to line, they receive pass from line and go down for shot

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