Backward Cross Over Warm-up 1/2 Ice


Backward Cross Over Warm-Up – Players line up in corner and perform backward crossovers around the top of the first circle and the bottom of 2nd circle
– Skate backward to cone and cross over moving laterally from 1st cone to 2nd cone and to 3rd cone and backward back to starting line
**Focus on players getting a good C-Push, followed by Crossover (getting outside foot over inside foot, as players get comfortable, then add the reach and pull with inside foot)**

Backward Cross Over with a Shot – Players line up in corner and perform backward crossovers around the circle
– players then skate backward to the blue line, turn to forwards, glide around the cone and pick up a puck (could add a pass from the coach), then skate in for a shot on net
** This drill could be turned into a race against the opposite side **

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