Players are lined-up on opposite sides of the centre-ice circle. Coaches are on all 4 outside hashmarks with pucks. Obstacles are placed just inside the zone and down-low in the opposite corner. 2 players leave on every whistle.
On the whistle, player 1 and player 2 (who waits for 1 to reach cone), skate up and around a pylon without a puck. As they enter the zone, the first coach (red) will rim a puck up there wall, where a player needs to move the puck across their body, avoiding the obstacle, and heading to the net for a shot.
After their first shot, they enter the opposite side corner, where the second coach (blue) will rim a puck along the boards. The player must control the puck, drive around the obstacle acting as a defending player for a shot.
After their final shot, both players skate out and have to stop/start or curl inside the centre ice circle before re-entering the zone in the high-slot. As the enter the zone, the coach on the back hand side (depending if lefty or right) will make a pass for a BH pass reception and shot.
*This drill is structured so that they are either receiving rims on their forehand, and quickly moving to their backhand. Or they are receiving rims on their backhand and quickly moving pucks to their forehand.
**Encourage the shots to be backhands when on the appropriate side. In this diagram, the RIGHTIES would be FH>BH for a shot on rim #1, while lefties would be BH all the way around the second obstacle for a shot off rim #2.
***Incorporating rims are a great way to get players comfortable with the idea of rotating hands around body to square the blade resulting in better control of passes and puck handling on backhand side.