Drill 1: 2-1 down low. Player 1 and 2 leave when coach dumps puck in corner. Player 1 is on offence player 2 is on defence, they battle below the goal line, player 1 tries to find player 3 who skated around cone and into net front scoring area. Player 3 must continue to move into scoring position as player 1 tries to protect the puck from player 2 and find a passing lane.
Drill 2: 2-2 down low using their line as activator, X’s play against O’s, anytime defence gets puck from offence they need to use activator in order to become offensive and score, they can use their own line anytime as 3rd player to help create offence.
Drill 3: 1-1 keep away, X vs O whoever has the puck must protect it in a small area against opposing player, players use body and quick moves to protect puck.
Drill 4: 2-2 attack, 2 Defensive players start on hash marks and transition at blue line, 2 offensive players cross around pylon and attack defenders. Offence tries to score defence must skate puck out past top of circle.