If players can be separated by colours to have 2 different colours in each zone, this may help with some of the races and games.
1. Glide Turn Race – Players begin beside the net, on coaches go players skate to far cone and glide to bottom cone up around 3rd cone. Coach leaves puck out in the middle of the zone and players battle to try and score.
2. 1-1, 2-2 or 3-3 in zone – Block off an are with cones. Coach dumps puck into zone and players play 2-2 or 3-3 down low trying to score, anytime puck leaves zone or goal is scored coach dumps a new puck in. Advanced: Could make players pass puck to coach before they can score anytime there is a change of possession, coach can be used anytime as an outlet.
3. 1-1’s – Players start in Forward line and D line (make sure they all play D and F). Both players leave on coaches go, F skates around far cone and receives a pass from Coach, D transitions at close cone and takes F back to net for 1-1, make sure D don’t attack F, have them try to transition and skate backward.
4. Transition Race – Players skate forward to bottom cone and transition, skate backward to top cone and transition to forward and race for puck that coach puts out in zone. Option: Could substitute transitions for side stops, Players could stop and Cross over start at both cones then race for puck.