Drill 1 (Right side of Practice Plan) – 2 D begin at top of circles, 3 F’s are stationary on blue line. On coaches whistle D back pedal and pick up puck in corner, they can either skate puck behind the net or make a D to D pass behind the net (Coach can yell out option or explain before drill). D then break the puck out to coach who is on the boards. Coach passes puck to one of the 3 F’s waiting on blue line. D skate up to top of circles and transition and take the 3 F’s back on a 3-2 to the net.
Advanced: *Could add another player with the D to help with the breakout and turn it into a 3-3 back into the zone.
** Could add a back checker standing on the blue line that would help the D once the 3F’s have received the puck from coach and are attacking 3-2.
Drill 2 – 3-3 or 4-4 in the neutral zone, players must pass the puck and find open players as they try to score.
Drill 3 – Advanced Breakout and 3-2 – 2D start on top of circles, 3F’s start on blue line, on coaches whistle D backpedal and retrieve a puck that coach has dumped in, D can skate the puck or pass to D partner. The 3F’s skate in the zone to help D breakout. D pass the puck to F’s they then pass the puck to coach, 3F’s must tag the blue line (while D are skating up and transitioning), once F’s have touched the blue line they receive a pass from coach and attack the 2D on a 3-2.